Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Night Drive **AAR**

I drive to/eliminate the ball that I'm chained to/Take me...break me/Every mile further there's a part of me that slips away/One day...you'll see/even if you got down on your knees you couldn't make me stay/Drive all night/never gonna get me/Night by night/to get away from it all/Fight fight fight/all you want to do is hurt me...

People are really grating on the last nerve I am trying to keep. Okay, so if you are too stupid to find an answer on a simple in-class assignment, you don't belong in that class. The stupid answer is right in front of your face and if you actually took the time to look you probably would find it. There is no point in looking at my paper, searching for the answer without even asking. If you would ask me for help I probably would help, but after you decide to cheat on me I will not give you an answer. Then having someone in my ear saying I won't give the answer because I am mean? I mean seriously. What grade are we in again? First? Second? No!? Well it sure seems like that. If you just listen to the drivel that pours out of the mouths of some of my classmates, you would not know that we were in high school. So what is high school teaching us these days anyway? To cheat to pass? Well that is fun...**The student that is most likely to cheat on a test is an A-student** Didn't know that huh? Students who have lower grades are less likely to care about the outcome of their grades so why cheat? Errr...it is just an assignment so why does it matter? Maybe it matters because this is not the first time this has happened, nor will it probably be the last. I am probably going to blow up at the next person who cheats off me...Frustrated...very frustrated.


Blogger six_cents said...

hey kewl post sorta i think
but what if theperson who usually gets Ds or Es realise that if they dont do wel in a certain exam/test they would fail obviously they dont want that 2 happen so they cheat and make it thro, without gettin gcaught now wheres the justice in that? but then theres the straight A student who doesnt need 2 pass the exam to pass the year but wants his/her A and knows that if they dont cheat they wont get it. they cheat and get caught and attain a fat zero for their exam. now was justice done in this scenario or not? maybe if we all cheated like in german schools they wouldnt mind. o wel i guess we've all cheated in a test one time or another. at least i have. lol sorry to take up so much space.

12:26 AM  

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