Thursday, February 24, 2005

Jesus is not a fat coach...

Jesus is not a fat coach. I learned that yesterday in youth group per Pastor James' teaching. Jesus never sat back and yelled at you from the sidelines...He got down and dirty with the rest of us. Isn't that amazing to think that Jesus was the same as us? NOT in the perfect sense of course, but in the human sense. He got tired, hungry, thirsty, sad, angry...the same things we all feel. When at the well, He spoke to a Gentile woman (this never happened), this immediately crossed a boundary. The he got personal and said "go get your husband and come back." She said "I don't have a husband" and he said "I know, you've had 5 husbands and now you are living with a man!" That is digging a little deep isn't it? But not for Jesus. He found the lowest person on the totem pole that He could and He made her the gateway to the whole city. He taught her, and He also taught the whole rest of the town, which originally would have nothing to do with Him. Jesus is not a fat coach!!! He won't just tell you what He wants done, He'll get down and do it with you. In a sense...He practices what He preaches(pardon the pun). So get out there and don't be a fat coach on the sidelines!