Saturday, December 04, 2004

Reality Check

Seriously, how dumb could I have been to realize that I have been basing my life around everything but what I want. I based my attractiveness on what weight I was(though I must admit I like shopping on the other side of the store)or whether a guy liked me or not. So I looked around at all the guys at my school and I realized, my soulmate is NOT here, and you know what? I don't care. I really don't, because I have a life I want to live and a way I want to live it. Some girls who get a boyfriend change their dreams and their LIVES to hang onto a guy that might not be there tomorrow. When I fnd a boyfriend, he's going to have to have the same plans or change his life to hang on to ME. That might seem a little self-centered but guess what? Don't care about that either. Because I know that somewhere out there there is a guy with the same dreams, and if there isn't? I think I'll survive...