Thursday, October 28, 2004


I haven't written anything in a while cause...I don't know...kinda bored I guess. But I had an awesoe time on Saturday cause I went to a GOOD CHARLOTTE CONCERT! I was up in the front row and everything...I was so excited. Especially cause Joel is very, very, very hot... I was extremely happy when he stood on the barricade and was surfin the front(where i was). We grabbed hands and everything! I was one happy camper. Well I just wish they'd come back soon so I could go to another concert...and another...and another. Anyways I'll talk more later...bye all!

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Well now that I quit volleyball, I wondered what I was going to do with all my free time and guess what? I found something to fill that void! I got an awesome new GUITAR! I love it sooooo much, and my mom bought me some lessons so I can learn how to play! I'm so excited!!! More later...

Thursday, October 07, 2004


At the beginning of the season I loved volleyball. I loved going to practice, going to games, and even getting up at 5 to go to a tournament. But now I dread practice, I don't want to go to games, and I don't want to go to tournaments. All because my coach treats me like crap and has not put me in to play in 8 games. She has picked her favorites and I am not one of them, I am just their own personal cheerleader. For the first time in my life, I feel like quitting. So today I am going to talk to the varsity coach and if he agrees with her coaching, I do not need to play for him either. I don't want to quit but I will because I cannot go on pretending that it is okay that I never play.