Tuesday, September 07, 2004


I always listen to all these people talk about when they were younger they wanted to travel, see the world, go to college out of state, etc., but then something happened and they never could and they always regretted never making their dreams come true. Like them, I want to leave this po-dunk little town and see the world, but unlike them I will succeed and make my dreams come true. It used to be that I felt like my mom was trying to squash my dream and was vying for me to fail. But I vowed that I would never end up like that, ever. I am the most determined person I know, and the most headstrong so there is no way I am going to let stupid comments get me down. I'm learning German right now and will continue taking it all four years of high school. Junior and Senior year I will start taking Spanish in place of an off-campus period and take that in college also. The summer after I graduate I will backpack through Europe and if I like it enough I will move there after college. I would like to learn French and Italian in college so I will be able to communicate most anywhere in Europe. I will get away from all of this and if anyone tries to stop me, I'll make sure to never come back.


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