Friday, August 27, 2004

More Poems

This is my most recent poem,'s not really recent because I wrote it on May 24... as you can see I've been in a slump. Anway this poem is called Deathly Freedom and I know that there is some bad grammar in it because I was trying to get it to rhyme...see for yourself.

She grew up on the streets,
Life was never easy for her,
Her clothes weren’t new and hip,
No one cared about her, I’m sure.
She thought she had found solace,
In her new boyfriend,
He wasn’t like the others,
She knew this relationship wouldn’t end.
He shared in her pain,
He comforted her when she was down,
But if he saw her talking to another guy,
She was bashed into the ground.
It was never his fault,
It was always placed on she,
So she tried and tried to be perfect,
Like the girlfriend she felt she should be.
But that never did work,
So she tried running away,
But somehow he always found her,
No matter where she did stay.
She finally gave up,
She felt her battle would never be won,
So sadly she decided,
Her time on this earth was done.
When he was out with his buddies,
She took her opportunity,
Because when he came back there,
There would be no time to save she.
She picked up his razor,
And she made the first cut on her wrist,
Again and again she cut,
Until blood was pouring from her fist.
Her world was getting blurry,
As the razor fell to the floor,
The red blood pooling around her,
Some smearing the bathroom door.
When her body was found sometime later,
With the boyfriend explaining it wasn’t he,
Found by her written in the blood was one word,



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